
(P) Performance, (I) Installation, (O) Object, (PH) Photo (IL) - Illustration

Präsente. Für die Ewigkeit (I)
Von Rosen und Schuhkrem (P)
Fountains of A High Mountain and A Sweet Dream (I)

A Bouquet of Stories (P)
AAA - (Adaptation - Affection - Affirmation) (P/O)
Die Große Klassenrevue (P)
A High Mountain, A Sweet Dream (P)
Daijoubu (O)

Semiotiken der Drecksarbeit (P)
Dreams in a shell (O)
You Are Me (I)
12 Prozent - Giờ ăn đến rồi! (I)

Gemalte Blumen riechen sehr wohl (IL)
Home Away from Home (P)
Planet Egalia - Ein feministisches Singspiel (P)
Be Part Of (P)

Little by little you would overcome your demons (O)
One day I can let myself (O)
POSTOST 2090 (P)
Love Me Love Me Not (P)

A bouquet of tragic fates is blooming on my table (I)
A liar would always tell the same story (I)
This is water is water is water (I)
Wiedersehen (P)

beauty flaws - Series (O)
Pageant Treasure Soft Decor - Series (PH)
Creating heroes takes its toll (PH)
bukket - Series (IL)
Forever Lotus (O)
Charming jewellery Concealing insecurities (I)
C.C. - Don't Kiss Me (I)

mise en abyme (PH)
We are on the verge of what it is and what it seems, Part I (O, PH)
We are on the verge of what it is and what it seems, Part II (PH)
About reversible and indeterminate order (O)
I am entity within non-existence of destruction and reincarnation (I)
lookalike (P)

Acoustic Mirror (I)

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